Wirtco Statement of Rental Requirements
Equal Housing
Wirtco does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and does NOT discriminate against any person(s) on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin or newborn.
Any dwelling is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
An application and application fee are required for each familial or non-familial applicant 18 years of age or older.
No dwelling will be taken off the market until all application(s) and security deposit(s) have been received by us for all prospective resident(s).
Occupancy Limits
Two people allowed per bedroom. Common living areas are NOT allowed to be used as bedrooms.
*Babies under 6 months old are not considered an occupant.
Smoking and Pet Policies
Animals of any kind are NOT allowed in any apartment.
Smoking or vaping of any substance (tobacco, marijuana, etc.) is strictly prohibited inside and outside of the apartment building.
Your monthly income must exceed 3 times the monthly rental rate on the dwelling. You must be currently employed and/or provide additional source(s) of verifiable income.
A verifiable Lease Guarantor is required if your verifiable monthly income does not exceed 3 times the monthly rental rate on the dwelling.
You must have a credit history showing no past due credit accounts, and/or no collection credit accounts; as defined by the credit reporting agency of our choosing.
A verifiable Lease guarantor is required if you have a negative credit history; as defined by the credit reporting agency of our choosing.
You must be 18 years of age or older; unless federal and/or state regulations provide for a variance. You must show a photo ID from a federal or state agency.
Rental History
You must have at least 9 months of verifiable previous rental and/or payment history, with no evictions, broken leases, lease violations, and/or unpaid amounts due to a previous owner(s). Your rental history does not include occupancy of dwelling if you did not sign a lease contract.
A verifiable Lease Guarantor is required if you do not have at least 9 months of verifiable previous rental and/or payment history.
Criminal History
You should have no convictions of a misdemeanor involving a victim, adjudicated verdict’s and/or a felony.
You should also have no recent (within the past year) or pending drug use, possession and /or manufacturing charges, as well as no recent or pending assault, burglary, theft and/or auto theft charges.